
Over the long President’s Day weekend, the current president complained about the previous one. “Never gotten over the fact that Obama was able to send $1.7 Billion Dollars in CASH to Iran and nobody in Congress, the FBI or Justice called for an investigation!” Donald Trump tweeted.

Wrong, said the Obama White House. That was always Iran’s money. As the Washington Post’s Glenn Kesslertweeted at Trump in response: “Has no one who works for Trump ever explained it was a legal settlement of money the Unites States owed Iran from before the 1979 revolution?”

Kessler is one of the top correspondents in Washington, earning respect on both sides of the aisle. He was Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s favorite reporter. He’s covered foreign policy, nuclear-related issues, and has been running the Post’s Fact-Checker blog for several years where he’s shown he’s not afraid to correct his own mistakes when he’s wrong. And he’s wrong here.

The Obama White House omitted several key facts.

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