I was browsing through blogs here on this site, and noticed – to my pleasant surprise – that our old friend P_J had left a comment on SAM's blog. This is great news. TBH, I was worried that P-J may have passed away. Because after Iranian.com turned into a chelo-kababi referral service, our poor friend P-J had no place to release his emotional and psychosis-induced outbursts by calling everyone a Zionist, and saying such absurd things as “the Pahlavi regime was just as bad as the IR, if not worse.” So, given his old age, his age-related heart problems, his sedentary life style -which pretty much consisted of him sitting behind a desk and writing nonsensical comments online—and most importantly, his severe psychiatric issues, losing an outlet for his outbursts was becoming a huge issue.

I had also heard about P-J’s marital problems with his husband Mehrdad (a/k/a Bavafa), which also had roots in the demise of Iranian.com. Between Mehrdad not having an outlet for spewing his Jew-hate, and also being blocked from elecronicintifada.net for being a phony, things were getting dicey at the Mehrdad / P-J household. There were even reports of domestic violence between the two of them. And there were, of course, those awful incidents of P_J killing the neighbor’s dog for barking too much, and assaulting the neighborhood kids for walking across his lawn. But I’m glad to see they have gotten through those tough times and to also see that the court order has been lifted on P-J, allowing him to use his computer again.

May 2017 bring joy and happiness to the P-J / Mehrdad household, and to all who read this post.