As the number of returning body bags suggests, the military operation code named “exacting revenge” is not working out the way its name suggests.

Although mounting coffins are becoming harder and harder to deny the fact, by calling their combat units “frontline advisors” the Islamist fascists –reformers” and all- continue their pretence of not having boots on the ground in Syria fighting to save murderous Assad regime.

Above is from a blog entry some six months ago. Since then the rate of returning body bags (coffins) to Iran has escalated.

In the past two days alone, in addition to six revolutionary Guards, seven Afghan and Pakistani mercenaries in the pay of the Islamist fascist were killed in action in Syria and their coffins returned to Iran.

Few days ago, Islamist fascists announced they’ve dispatched their most skilled Army “Green Beret” to Syria. This is the first time that the regular Army units are sent to join the Revolutionary Guards and Basiji murderers to kill more Syrian men, women and children. As of now, the combined forces of Islamist fascists, murderous Syrian Battist and Hezbollah, the Lebanese terrorist outfit, have murdered well over quarter of a million.

All the signs point to Syria becoming Iran’s Vietnam.

The cheerleading by Iranian lefties for this war is despicable, so is the practical indifference of the free world, headed by America, which is because of the disastrous Obama’s policy of appeasement.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.

Picture above; latest retuning coffins to Iran.

Ps. those millions, yes millions, of Syrian refugees, internal and external, mostly going to Europe or camps in Jordanian dessert, will not forget who did this to them and who did not help them.