Members and bloggers of received some terrible news a couple of days ago. Their colleague, fellow blogger with a half dozen different usernames, the guy at the next cubicle, their hero, and their comrade in arms who bravely smashed the head of a four year old Israeli girl with a rock, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Syria on Sunday. Mr. Qantar is pictured above sporting a Nazi salute (upon looking at which a German Ne-Nazi responded: who is this dark skinned monkey?)

Never since the death of other fellow site members and multiple username bloggers Haron Monis and Jihad Moghniyeh has experienced such deep pain, loss, and anguish.  It is reported that several site members, including Bavafa a/k/a Mehrdad, PJ, Faramrz Fathi, Iraj Khan, and Dohelzan have fallen into a deep state of depression, with Bavafa (who is a pilot) being stopped at the local airport before boarding his Cessna while chanting “death to infidels.”

Our hearts and prayers are with those brave souls at We feel your pain.  

PS-- Mr. Qantar was invited to Iran after his release from an Israeli prison in 2008. The photo below from Wikipedia shows this man of class and culture visting the tomb of Hafez:

Poor Hafez. He must be spinning in his grave.