The much-anticipated exit by Trump from the Iran Nuclear Deal, JCPOA came yesterday with Trump signing an Executive Order withdrawing from the Deal. John Bolton and the Treasury Department provided additional details outlining a quick return of Obama sanctions. The reaction was overwhelmingly negative in Europe, China and Russia. But I believe that we are blessed to witness how 2 successive US Presidents can go about negotiating with an adversary and have the opportunity to judge which one secured a better deal.

One can anticipate that this time around, the Regime will not wait for months to see the effects of the crippling sanctions. Velayati has already booked his flight to meet with Pompeo in Oman to discuss the negotiations. And given the state of affairs between Trump, EU, China and Russia, there’s no need for the UN Security Council, P5+1 or Mogherini. We can skip all of that and go directly to the negotiating table. Since Trump considers himself the best negotiator ever, we can just send Zarif to Mar-e-Lago for an intense weekend of negotiating. There’s no need for Zarif and Pompeo to take long strides along Lake Geneva and get to know each other. Just a few rounds of golf with Trump should be sufficient.

The new deal can be wrapped up this summer after the North Korean deal. Trump will be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize; And BiBi will get to address the Joint Session of the Congress again. This time he will praise how a US President saved his people from a Persian Ayatollah!