First a disclaimer, as many previous postings attest, for example here, here and here, I am totally against the Saudi absolute monarchy.

However, that opposition does not mandate condemnation of the right moves, for whatever reason, being made by the Saudi King-in-waiting.

Mohammed bin Salman, the thirty something son of King Salman, is making changes that would have been labeled impossible only a year ago.

The latest move is allowing cinemas to open in that country. This is right after the first live concerts by both male and female performers, right after allowing women to drive cars and ….

Lets hope, these changes, which might seem mundane and superficial to people used to living in freedom, but in the context of Middle East are structural, will continue and ultimately lead to inculcation of freedom in the minds of those who use 21st century implements to rule as though it is still the 2nd century in the Middle East.

Israel, the only true democracy in the region is testament to the fact that freedom can and must flourish in the Middle East. 


Airtight sanctions, a la against the despicable South Africa apartheid, works. U.S. lawmakers get to it.

Picture above; Hiba Tawaji sings in Saudi Capital.